The Vibe — The Beech Hill School




The Vibe

The word “vibe” has re-emerged into popular vernacular and that is not a bad thing.  As of late, I have been picking up on the vibe here at BHS.  Although it is rather early in the school year, and things can certainly change, it seems to me that kindness and consideration is the vibe this year.  This is not to say that past students or past years were unkind or inconsiderate, and this is a middle school after all, so there are bound to be individual acts that are less than exemplary.  On the whole, however, our community has benefitted from a series of acts that exude kindness, thoughtfulness and were just plain nice.


On the second day of school, I walked toward the front door and it looked like something was in the bushes, just to the right of the entryway.  Upon closer inspection, I discovered a piece of cardboard that had several hearts painted on it and written in pencil – in handwriting that clearly did not belong to a faculty member – was “happy 2nd day of school.”  I am not sure who created this, but in the opening days, a community member or two picked up on the vibe that led them to believe that it would be a good thing to do this at this school.  Unfortunately, the middle school that I attended, this sign would have likely been thrown on the ground and the creators ridiculed – likely for the whole rest of the year.  That is not the case at BHS, and for that I am so grateful.


Throughout the opening weeks there have been other things that I could point to – 8th graders helping 5th grader – and believe it or not – vice versa.  I have watched as the entire community patiently listens to students and faculty share long announcements at Community.  Recently, peers assisted one another to make improvements in volleyball, without anger or frustration.  And on Thursday, a student took it upon themselves to hide little plastic ducks all around the school for other students to find.  No one asked this student to do so, they just thought it might make others have a better experience at BHS, so they did it.


Perhaps we are just lucky that the weather has been so nice, and that is the secret to such a warm and welcoming start.  I am confident that plays some role in “the vibe.”  But, that would not be fair to the students and teachers that are actively contributing to all that is making our school year great so far.  I hope that this “vibe” of compassion and happiness will last long past the mild autumn days, through the bitter and dark days of winter and well into the resplendent spring
